My name is Eric Holden

I’m a product designer, visual artist, and instructor based in Atlanta. A few of my specialties include design leadership, UX/UI design, and AI design. I make simple, easy to use, and visually pleasing creations for anything with a screen.

Hit Me Up


How can I help grow your business?

Creative Leadership

Herding cats is my specialty. Whether large teams or ones just starting out, the right leader makes a difference.

Product Design

Every product tells a story. I can help you find the right story that engages your audience for maximum impact.

User Experience

Be it on the web, on a phone, or out there in the world, I can help you create that experience for your clients.

Something Else?

Just let me know. I am more than happy to help your business grow, and have over 15 years of experience to prove it.

Design Case Studies

I'm currently updating this site with several other projects, so below are just a taste of work over the years. Stay tuned for more!

My Process

Everything has potential to be interesting and influential if you know where to look. I find the best teacher to be in observing everyday interactions of people. UX Designers don't build for features, we build for behaviors, and observing how someone uses a product often reveals subtle details about they relate to the product, the task at hand, and their place in the world.

What, Who, & Why

Good designs start with questions. What is the product or experience? What challenges is it facing from a business or user direction? Who uses the experience? Who is most important in the behaviors or tasks at hand? Why are they having difficulty? Is there an end goal or purpose in mind?

Identify, Intuit, Iterate

You have to understand the people behind the experience before you can design for them. Design is about visual storytelling, and without that emotional connection work becomes soulless and devoid of meaning. Emphasizing with your people gives rise to many great ideas, and many (many) sketches.

Back It Up With Research

The best measurement of success is when something works, is elegant, and emotionally resonates with the users. Let's prove it with numbers (or likes, or purchases), and work behind the scenes to make things better.


Happy clients


Working hours


Cups of Coffee Drunk


Years & counting

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